sabato 28 marzo 2009

Post #2 of whatever about my Japan trip. Powered by randomness.

Yamanote Line. Ah, Yamanote Line! Always thanks to the wonderful position of that awful place I've stayed in, Yamanote Line was really a relief, since it gets you in all the fancy tourists' places(but basically because its stops are a good way to organize a bit your random wandering without losing priceless brain cells). Anyway, remember: it's a ROUND line. So, unlike me, check carefully your destination AND the direction of the train your stepping in. Otherwise, the mystical experience of being stuck between sweaty salarymen late at night would be totally wasted.

Shinjuku station(or, better: what you'll see stepping out from the west it was pouring! No time to waste drowning just for get a proper shot xD). Where I fell on my fatty bottom. Ah, my little Nihongo skills wasted on reassuring people around me that, always thanks to my fatty bottom, I wasn't that much hurt(well not literally, ne). Converse's fault. And my total inability to walk on slippery smooth surfaces'.

1. That building (but mostly the kattun live ad) was my savior *_* 2. LAFORET!!! BUGS BLESS LAFORET!!! n_n

Shibuya was a really dangerous place. I don't know how I escaped those little narrows filled-with-marvelous-shops alleys and, at the same time, found SexPotRevenge shop. Really, I don't know. I just remember that I was staaaaaaaring at the Marion Crepes stand pondering about a quick fatty calories fix, and then, I turned my head to the right. I've seen the light. Period. I'm a bit sad, because my lazyness and the shitty weather turned down my crepes ambition. Too bad.

Ah, lucky fellows... ç_ç

I visited SO MANY records shops that's quite shameful I didn't find what I was looking for (or, better, not the whole list ^_^). Yes I have a pretty demanding obscure 80's Japanese "alternative but I don't want to go that far calling it progressive" rock bands oriented musical taste. My bad. Well, it's not really all my fault, since "mainstream" sounds euphemistic, once you've visited ANY of the big shops around the town. And then, on the last days, I discovered that Kanda has THAT MANY used books/cds/dvds shops. Terrific. But I was already out of money. Sadness 1000x combo.

ok it's a pretty little one BUT in the second pic, the sign on the right says "Sex Pot Revenge" ò_ò/ believe me!!!

giovedì 26 marzo 2009

This deserve a post...

... and a routine break.

You know, I'm usually a bitch. A nasty person. Someone that laughs at other people disgraces.

And this time is no different!

The thing is that Miyavi is now a newlywed together with some retired younger singer that's CASUALLY pregnant.

How? How in this world I cannot symphathize (woah this one was REALLY difficult) with all those nymphoman- fans all over the universe? HOW?

Miyavi fans all over the world, girls, boys, whatever and wherever you are:


Don't believe me? Go here and cry your heart out.

sabato 21 marzo 2009

.still feeling a shite.

Like... dunno...two months? Well, two months of shite-disguising.

That's all. I'm also listening to Ded Chaplin 1st, and that explains the whole thing better than words. Much better.

Second post of whatever about the trip? Well, since it had that HUGE feedback x°D It will be posted, eventually.

(if I wanted to have some kind of feedback I would have written something more interesting...)

sabato 14 marzo 2009

Post #1 of whatever about my Japan trip. Powered by randomness.

(yes, THIS is the right title!)

Ok, this is not Japan. Alps, actually. From the liiiiittle plane that, on a shitty gray Wednesday morning, took me from Milan to Paris. Funnier thing: me, unable to plug the seatbelt (from now on, the "shittoberuto"), helped from the kind guy next to me. My first flight. No fear at all. Anyway, I was on a mission from God (catch the quote). At a certain point I was REALLY sure we were flying above my neighbourhood, but in that tiiiiiny cute plane it wasn't so easy to take my camera out of the bag.

Ah, Hibiya Line. Probably taken the day after my arrive. I don't think I took any picture of the hostel, by the way; that awful place has only ONE pro: it's near the Hibiya Line. That's it. Anyway I don't think that, in case I'll be back there or near it, I'll make such a large use (well, two tickets a day x°D) of ToMe and such. I mean, I've got two legs, working legs, and Tokyo is not THAT big, and it's always interesting to walk from place to place sticking your nose around, observing people, shooting weird engrish signs for your Flickr's sake...Things that a comfortable, clean, but NOISY train cannot let you experience.
I *love* to loiter in random unknown streets while being staaaaaared at by Japanese people, right?!

inside and outside Minowa Station

venerdì 6 marzo 2009

Report in progress...sort of.

Well, at least I'm writing something while weeping on those thousand pics. Ah, and I'm listening to flumpool, too (you must know that, after Tokyo, from the cute kirakira not so poppish Japanese sort of rock band that keep me amused, they became the Melancholy Band. Just to let you know.)

Now, for the serious things that nobody will ever read:
- it will be a non-chronological mess of posts. Deal with it.
- every post will most probably have some kind of title that explains why I sum up all those random thoughts in one thing.
- there will be pics too! Aren't you all excited? I AM!!!

lunedì 2 marzo 2009